Agency: Mojo SupermarketRole: Sr Designer
Tags: Brand, Packaging, Web Design
Team: Mo Said (CD) Camilo De Galofre (CD) Yula Ye (Design) Sarah Olicker, Damian Antonio (AD) Patrick Merrett (Copy)
In partnership with Truth Initiative, Mojo Supermarket launched a real fake vape company to call a nicotine vape what it really is - A Depression Stick. We rebranded nicotine for a new generation to out vaping as a silent contributor to mental health issues. Depression Stick drove a 31% surge in sign-ups for truth's quitting app and has helped 500K teens kick nicotine. Case Study.
Grand Effie at the 2023 Effie Awards
Effies in the David vs Goliath and Disease Awareness & Education: Non-Profit categories.